Articles of Interest – Through Spring 2011
Financial Focus – Summer 2012 (PDF)
Financial Focus – Spring 2012 (PDF)
Financial Focus – Winter 2011-2012 (PDF)
Financial Focus – Fall 2011 (PDF)
Heading Back to School? Make a Plan First
To Retire or Un-Retire? Ways to Consider the Question
Heading Back to School? Make a Plan First
It was the physicist Rosalyn S. Yalow who said, “The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you’re learning you’re not old.”
A July/August 2006 story in AARP Magazine by noted workplace and career expert Rosabeth Moss Kanter pointed out that retirement-phobic mid- or late-career types might retreat to college campuses instead of the golf course to prepare for the next phase of their life. Why? They want to train for completely new careers in all-new professional fields or public service. According to the piece, “Traditional volunteering is not what leading-edge boomers have in mind. They want to be leaders and to help improve the world.” Education will be a part of that movement.
The back-to-school movement for older Americans is an interesting one, but it goes beyond purely financial considerations. It makes sense to discuss your ideas with a tax professional and a financial expert such as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional before you make a move:
Do you really need the degree? Depending on the field, many employers will look at an experienced worker and take their particular work and life accomplishments into consideration when hiring. An MBA or other advanced degree may be personally fulfilling, but you have to consider whether your future plans really require it and whether the degree will pay for itself in the end in salary, opportunity or both.
Are you planning to attend school while working or will you take time off? Going for an aggressive degree program while working full-time can be financially, mentally and physically draining. Obviously, if you plan to take a sabbatical and go to school full-time, that’s a more complex set of financial issues you need to consider well in advance, and you should get help planning for it. Beyond finance, you need to be prepared for the demands of school on your time with family, friends and your personal relaxation. Time is an opportunity cost you can’t get back.
Check your qualifications for federal and state tax credits: Both the federal Hope Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit are among options you may consider to help cushion the tuition blow if you qualify – discuss these credits and other ways to afford college with your tax expert as well as your planner.
How prepared are you to take on debt? It would be wonderful to pay cash for a college degree, and with time and planning you might be able to do it. But if you need to take out debt to pay for your coursework, make sure your credit cards and other debt are paid off first. You’ll put yourself in the best position to afford any student debt you take on.
Will your company pay? Take advantage of every educational break you can take before you leave your company. If they require you to stay a certain amount of time after attaining your degree, work that into your plan.
Check scholarships and grants: See if there are sources of grants and scholarships not only in your community, but also within your industry. Go online and do a general search for such aid.
How’s your retirement and health plan? It might seem like a good idea to raid the retirement plan or milk the home equity to go back to school, you need to research whether that makes sense for you. Despite your current energy and determination, no one has a guarantee of perfect health through the last half or third of their lives. You can’t forego retirement or healthcare planning simply because you need the money for school.
Consider a functional degree. All sorts of colleges – even the nation’s most prestigious schools – are considering abbreviated graduate and post-graduate programs that give students exactly the amount of education to upgrade their skills and head back into the workforce. If one year of college will do, why pay for three or four?
Are your school choices friendly to older students? It’s your money. Make sure you’re attending an institution that considers its older students a valuable addition to its campus and makes you welcome.
This column is produced by the Financial Planning Association, the membership organization for the financial planning community, and is provided by Glenmore Financial , a local member of FPA.
To Retire or Un-retire? Ways to Consider the Question
Add retirement to the long list of things Baby Boomers are changing their minds about.
An April, 2006 study by Zogby International and the MetLife Mature Market Institute found that a significant number of older Americans are revising their ideas about their post-career years. The study found that 78 percent of respondents aged 55-59 are working or looking for work, as are 60 percent of 60-65 year-olds and 37 percent of 66-70 year-olds. Across all three age groups, roughly 15 percent of workers have actually accepted retirement benefits from a previous employer, and then chose to return to work (or are seeking work). Called the “working retired,” these workers represent 11 percent of 55-59 year-olds, 16 percent of 60-65 year-olds and 19 percent of 66-70 year-olds.
A decision to return to work isn’t necessarily a negative. It’s not always a sign that older Americans are having trouble making ends meet. Some work simply because they want to change careers for a new challenge.
Yet delaying retirement or returning to the workforce from retirement is a decision that should be made after a thorough financial review.
According to MetLife, most older employees expect to stop working for pay at the age of 70. The best time to talk about working in retirement is at least five years before you retire. If you’re working with a good advisor, they’ll force you to answer key questions about the retirement you want to have. You might discover that working in retirement is something you want to avoid at all costs, and you’ll have to accelerate your savings and investments to avoid it. Here are some critical points to consider in a working retirement:
Making working retirement a variable in your planning: If you’re in your early 50s and reviewing your retirement planning so far, it makes sense to ask yourself under what conditions you’d return to the workplace. Maybe you want to take a year off after you retire from your current job and then you’ll go back into another career. You obviously need to know based on current projections how much money you’re likely to gather from savings and other retirement resources. Then you need to consider how much money you’d be satisfied making in your post-retirement working life and for how many years you’ll earn that income.
Check what returning to work will do to your pension: Early retirement transitions can have some adverse effects particularly where pensions are involved. Get some advice here.
Back to school? You need to plan: Seniors may get early-bird specials at restaurants, but colleges aren’t giving away free tuition. And if you haven’t had to put your own kid through school, you’ll be shocked at how much college costs have risen in the past 30-plus years. If you’re investigating post-retirement employers, see if you can qualify for educational benefits to back up any out-of-pocket costs. Also, some colleges do offer discounted tuition or free classes for seniors.
Talk to a tax professional before you make a move: Tax issues shouldn’t determine your ambitions and goals, but it’s important to consider the impact work-related income will have on your retirement. Many retirees find that it doesn’t take much post-retirement income to tip them into a higher bracket. Look for ways to control the taxes you’ll ultimately pay, including continued participation in qualified plans, and IRAs, and other tax-favored accumulation vehicles. And don’t forget to discuss your Social Security options.
Consider insurance issues: If a retiree returning to the workforce is already receiving Medicare or covered by a “Medigap” policy, they may be able to lower their costs or improve their coverage by accepting group coverage as primary underwriter of their medical expenses. Since people over age 55 are generally the greatest users of the healthcare system, coverage issues are particularly important to run by a financial expert.
Keep saving: If you return to the workplace, see what you can do to take advantage of your new employer’s 401(k) plan or any other tax-advantaged retirement savings benefit, particularly if an employer matches your contribution. Don’t miss a chance to enhance your retirement savings.
This column is produced by the Financial Planning Association, the membership organization for the financial planning community, and is provided by Glenmore Financial , a local member of FPA.